Amy Farr
Fitness Wonk
Cred MT Health Physical Education, University of Virginia; BS Exercise Sport Science, East Carolina University; American College of Sports Medicine, Certified Health Fitness Specialist
Livelihood Health Promotion Manager, Office of Human Resources and Adjunct Faculty, School of Education, Teaching, and Health
Interests Behavior change, sports nutrition, perfecting my conga drum performance
Focus Using behavioral economics theories to develop innovative wellness programs that inspire healthy living
Last Book You Read Drive, by Daniel Pink, about what motivates us to do what we do
What Keeps You Up At Night? an overstretched piriformis and the occasional charlie horse... otherwise I sleep like a rock
Hobbies Lifting things up and putting them down (AKA weight training); running with my dog, and early morning yoga
Are You a Wonk? Absolutely. I chose my career based on what lights me up, and I strive to live and breathe it every day. My work allows me to share my passion for health and fitness with others, and for this I am grateful. With any luck, I just might be able to make someone else’s life a little better as a result. Isn’t that what it’s really all about?
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