Tonei Glavinic
Gender and Sexuality Wonk

Cred SPA/BA political science ’12; CAS/BA women’s, gender, and sexuality studies ’12; Minor justice ’12; Certificate in women, policy and political leadership
Livelihood Resident Assistant, AU Tenley Campus; Nicholas J. Begich Policy Fellow, National Center for Lesbian Rights; Executive Director, AU Queers and Allies; President of the National Residence Hall Honorary, American Eagles Chapter
Interests Travelling and arranging travel for others; fixing computers; geeking (wonking?) out over research and statistics; lobbying Congress; saving the world; Threadless t-shirts; reading blogs and webcomics; saving money; helping run Beers for Queers networking happy hours around DC; Alaskan-born and loves the Pacific Northwest; brightly colored Converse
Focus Civil rights for LGBT people; reproductive justice
Recent Awards 2011 Richard L. Schlegel National Legion of Honor Emerging Activist Award; recently inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta and Pi Sigma Alpha; 2010 American University Library Best College Writing Research Paper Award
Last Book You Read Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation, by Kate Bornstein and S. Bear Bergmann
What Keeps You Up At Night? Unruly residents, a Republican controlled House, and Hulu—especially Fringe
Hobbies Advocacy; going to and running programs on campus; playing with my new iPad; occasionally, going to class; and RA family dinners—where Tenley campus RA’s cook for other main campus staff
Are You a Wonk? “If a WONK is someone smart, passionate, focused and engaged, that’s who I am, and that’s why I came to American University.”
Additional Links
AU Queers and Allies