Brian Keane Green wonk
CRED SPA/BA ’89, former advisor to Senator Paul Tsongas (D-MA); congressional aide to Representative Les Aspin (D-WI)
LIVELIHOOD Founder and President of SmartPower, a nonprofit marketing organization promoting clean and efficient energy
INTERESTS The environment, public health, political organizing, family, AU
FOCUS Independence from foreign oil, solar and wind power
RECENT AWARDS Environmental Hero Award by People’s Action for Clean Energy, The EPA Clean Air Excellence Award
LAST BOOK YOU READ The Promise: President Obama Year One by Jonathan Alter
WHAT KEEPS YOU UP AT NIGHT? Three children under the age of six, and trying to figure out how to get people to buy clean, renewable energy and be energy efficient
WHAT QUALITIES MAKE YOU A WONK? “I love working on complicated issues and figuring out ways to make them relevant to the American people. I couldn’t make widgets all day, but I jump out of bed every morning to be a part of a cause.”
ADDITIONAL LINKS Green Leader Puts Energy into Cleaner World One Community at a Time Brian Keane Bio