Bill Mayer
Innovative Wonk
Cred MLS, Simmons College; MA, University of Washington; BA, University of Washington
Livelihood University Librarian
Interests Changing face of services in libraries, managing organizational change and the innovative applications of technology in library and university systems
Focus Building user-driven collections and library designs for the 22nd century
Recent Awards Elected chair of the Washington Research Library Consortium’s Library Directors Council
Last Book You Read Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Stephen Ambrose
What Keeps You Up At Night? “I worry most about having the funding to continue baseline library operations, while at the same time being visionary and preparing campus and my staff for the work ahead.”
Are You a Wonk? “Sure. I’m pushing the envelope in terms of advancing dramatic change in academic libraries through technology—books forever, but not in ways we’ve always had them.”
Additional Links AU Profile
Collaborative Learning
University Library