James Thurber
Policy Wonk

Cred PhD Indiana University; MA, Indiana University; BA, University of Oregon
Livelihood University Distinguished Professor of Government, School of Public Affairs; founder and director, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies
Interests Campaigns, elections, budgets, lobbying, and reform
Focus Penning books on the first two years of the Obama administration and Eisenhower and Congress
Recent Awards 2010 Walter Beach Pi Sigma Alpha award, given by the American Political Science Association (National Capital Chapter) for contributions to political science and public service
Last Book You Read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larson. (“Lisbeth Salander is the ultimate wonk.”)
What Keeps You Up At Night? “Major public policy problems facing Americans such as the debt and deficit, global warming, immigration, and the dysfunctionality of Congress.”
Are You a Wonk? “I’m knowledgeable—or, is that wonkledgeable?—on Congress, lobbying and lobbyists, and U.S. campaigns and elections.”
Additional Links
AU Profile
Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies
SPA’s Thurber Honored for Scholarship, Service
Take the Super PAC challenge